The Saskatchewan Crop Commissions (SaskCrops), consisting of SaskBarley, SaskCanola, SaskFlax, Sask Oats, Saskatchewan Pulse Growers, and Sask Wheat, together represent virtually all Saskatchewan grain, oilseed and pulse farmers. The Commissions invest check-off dollars collected on farmer sales of grain, oilseed and pulse crops in areas such as varietal development, agronomic research, and market promotion. SaskCrops works to ensure that Saskatchewan farmers remain competitive in the global market while profitable at the on-farm level, and have their voices heard by governments. SaskCrops advocates for science-based policy to create and maintain an efficient, predictable, and sustainable business environment for Saskatchewan farmers.



Saskatchewan Crops Forum

Commission AGMs & Industry Speakers

January 14 & 15

Western Development Museum

The Saskatchewan Crops Forum is a two-day agricultural event showcasing AGMs for SaskBarley, SaskOilseeds, Sask Pulse Growers, and Sask Wheat. Experienced ag journalist Kevin Hursh will be our Master of Ceremonies. Special featured sessions include both leadership and global economic outlook keynotes, a research investments panel, and a live taping of a popular political podcast. Each day will conclude with a networking reception on Boom Town street.